HATS OFF to another great Toastmasters session!
You may have guessed already that our theme of the session was to wear our hats to the virtual meeting!

We started our meeting with our member Saloomeh Mokhtari as your Toastmaster. Our word of the day was ‘Bust’ by Ga Lok Chung. Our Timekeeper was Ranjitha Justin and our Table Topics Master was Olga Galaiko. Here are a few of the questions she asked our Table Topic competitors:
What do you think of your previous boss?
What are three positive character traits you do not have?
Why is there fuzz on a tennis ball?
What’s your ideal company?
How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
Chris Wood then evaluated the Table Topics while our Sergeant at Arms, Jack Rowson, helped collect voting slips for the Table Topic competition. We were then introduced to our three speakers for the session. We began with Bhavan Ramanathan with his speech ‘Let it go’. Behave gave a very detailed speech about what to do when you become redundant. We then had Rolf Merchant that gave some compelling reasons to why you should keep a diary in his speech ‘History of yourself’. We finally had Scott Baker that gave his speech based on this session of Toastmasters. We then had our speaker evaluators that were Hubert Jarosz, Matilda Hay and Jonty Rooke who help provide feedback to the speakers as well as highlighting the good points in the speeches. Our winners of the meeting were:
Charlotte for our best Table Topic Speaker
Scott and Rolf were our joint winners for the best rehearsed speech
Jonty won the best Speaker Evaluator
A big thank you to all those that participated in this event and those that came to watch. If you’d like to join us for our next one on the 15th September then please get in touch