Our First Virtual Toastmasters Meeting in June 2020

Time has certainly passed by quickly this year, and with a blink of the eye, the second part of the year has arrived. Read on to find out how our members and guests are starting off the second half of the year with a bang!

As you may know, our typical Toastmasters meeting is split into 2 halves……

1st half of the meeting

Our Club President Tim Cummins handed over the meeting to the Toastmaster Bhav Ramanathan who led the rest of the meeting. Chris Wood (Time Keeper) ensured that the meeting ran on time whilst Jon Lam (Grammarian) introduced the word of the day ‘scintillating’, which was used a total of 9 time throughout the meeting! Sarah Bergin led the Table Topics section of the meeting and made very good use of props to get our members and guests to think on their feet. After Christine Harris introduced our international guests, we headed for a quick break.

2nd half of the meeting

In this half of the meeting, we proceed with prepared speeches (our members prepare a relevant speech to their pathway and present it) and evaluations.

Well done to:

  1. Angus Innes for telling us about “Music as a weapon”
  2. Olya Purikova for picturing “When it’s all over”
  3. Neha Arora told everyone “I like you just the way you are!”
  4. Dipendra Mistry talked about “Early career blues”

Our Evaluators: Olga Galaiko, Simone Delii Compagni, Tim Cummins, Jonty Rooke, and Olya Purikova for providing helpful feedback to our speakers!

Congratulations to our winners:

Best Table Topics Speaker: Tim Cummins

Best Evaluator: Jonty Rooke

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: Neha Arora

See you in our next meeting on Tuesday 16th June at 6.30pm BST. Comment or reach out to us for the details!