A huge thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated at Tuesday night’s meeting (29th June). Another classic, but aren’t they always at City of London Toastmasters?
Hosted by Toastmaster Jonty Rooke, we had a fun set of table topics courtesy of Olga Galaiko, prepared speeches from myself and Ranjitha Justin (sublime), and excellently eloquent evaluations from Christine Harris, Dami Sangobiyi, Yana Danylenko, and Keith Guthrie.
Well done to everyone who got involved in the action, and congratulations to the evening’s speech winners:
Best Table Topics Speaker – Christine Harris
Best Speakers – Ranjitha Justin and Chris Wood
Best evaluator – Dami Sangobiyi
But there was another reason this meeting was especially special. We witnessed the changing of the guard. That time of year, when the current committee hands over the reins to the new incoming committee that was elected just a few weeks earlier.
It was heartfelt and emotional to hear Olga Galaiko address and thank the club and committee members for their contributions over the past year, at what was her last meeting as president of City of London Toastmasters. Yet it was equally exciting to have a glimpse of a new committee bringing new energy, just around the corner.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday the 6th of July and is one not to be missed. There’s a plethora of reasons you’ll want to be there, not least because we have an action-packed night in store with 4 prepared speeches, but we’ll also be starting the night with a welcome from our new club president, the effervescent Jonty Rooke, and a new committee. We can’t wait to greet you!
Check out the “Join a meeting” page to find out how to join as a guest.

Club officers for the year July 2021 to June 2022
President – Jonty Rooke
Vice President of Education – Ranjitha Justin
Vice President of Education – Christine Harris
Vice President of Membership – Yana Danylenko
Vice President of Public Relations – Chris Wood
Secretary – Scott Baker
Treasurer – Jack Rowson
Sergeant At Arms – Ga Lok Chung
Vice President of Mentoring – Louise Taylor
Immediate Past President – Olga Galaiko