This week at Toastmasters (1st December)

It’s feeling rather wintery in the UK right now! And this week at Toastmasters we embraced the holiday season, with our members wrapping up in warm clothes and tackling Christmas themed table-topics. We were also delighted to see lots of new faces attending our meeting this week, from all across the world! A very warm welcome from all of our guests. Christine Harris facilitated the meeting perfectly as our Toastmaster, in her classic smooth style.

First up was short, improvised speeches, known as table-topics. We were in for a festive treat with Olya Purikova as our table topic master, covering all of the Christmas classics, from Christmas trees to mince pies and Santa Claus! Congratulation to all of the speakers. Chris Wood took the difficult role of evaluating each of the table-topic speaker, and did a super job.

Next, we moved onto the prepared speeches:

  • Matilda Hay gave us an inspiring and personal speech about “Mentoring“.
  • Francois Alba told us the story of his journey called “From France to here”
  • Jack Rowson took us back to the time of the Roman empire in the speech “Imperium Romanum“.

Thank you and congratulations to all of our speakers for delivering such interesting and well-delivered speeches.

Our evaluators delivered descriptive and helpful reviews to help the speakers learn and improve. A big thanks to Ranjitha Justin, Angus Innes and Saloomeh Mokhtari for taking these important roles and doing a great job!

The last item of the agenda is always to announce the winners. Congratulations to:

Matilda Hay for the best table topic.
Chris Wood for the best evaluation.
Jack Rowson for the best prepared speech.

A special thanks to Tim Cummins for organising a fantastic virtual pub after the meeting, and facilitating an engaging discussion on Toastmasters “tips and traps”.

Thanks to everyone who attended this week. Our next meeting is 16th December. We hope to see you there!