This week’s Toastmasters meeting was another memorable one! We celebrated our meeting with a yellow colour-theme to brighten up our spirits during these unpredictable and difficult times. At Toastmasters we are a big friendly society and welcoming bunch here and here is how this week’s meeting unveiled:

We started our meeting with the warmest of welcome from Olga Galaiko and Cristelle Delaporte. Cristelle shares the importance of Toastmasters and team building to help support one another. The support we had this meeting was from Matilda Hay who volunteered to time-keep our meeting to make sure our speeches don’t get cut off too soon or overrun too long. Chris Wood supported us by being this meeting’s Grammarian. Chris’s role was to listen carefully for any descriptive uses of language and vocal practices. He also included a word for us all to try and include in our speeches, ’Staycation’.
We were then supported by Scott Baker who was our meeting’s Table Topic’s Master. He even named a title for his questions ‘Scott’s Compelling Outrageous Table Topics’ and outrageous they were! We had speeches from 3 of our members and 3 of our guests including Jack Rowson explaining his experience of turning into a penguin and Janet explaining what she’ll teach aliens when she lands on Mars. How did our Table Topics Evaluator Ranjitha Justin do such a great job keeping up and evaluating everyone’s speeches?
We were enlightened by some amazing speeches this meeting. We were given a fantastic and very inspiring speech from our club member Simone Delli Compagni with his speech titled, ‘Your 2-week challenge’. We had our club president give us a superb and educational speech about the ‘Introduction to Mentoring’ by Olga Galaiko. Finally we had dangerously logical and compelling reasons to why ‘Toastmasters is a Hoax’ by Jonty Rooke. This was with the help and reflection of our evaluators; Louise Taylor, Jack Rowson and Ga Lok Chung. Our Sergeant of Arms Salomeeh Mokhtari took charge of taking the votes our meeting’s favourite Table Topic Speakers, Prepares Speakers and Best Evaluators.
Our meeting winners are:
Our guest from Canada, Lynn Goodacre for winning Best Table Topics Speaker
Jonty Rooke for winning Best Prepared Speech Speaker
Ga Lok Chung for winning Best Evaluator
We’d like to thank our members and guests for attending another outrageously inspiring meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in our next one on 18th August at 6.30pm (BST).