Hello Summer :)

Last Tuesday was our last meeting of June and the last month of Toastmasters Year 17/18. We cannot thank enough our President Tom and his committee: Cristelle, Felicitas, Saloomeh, Rachel, Marcelo and Shamim, for the amount of effort you all put into our club to make it successful and very enjoyable.

We are not only grateful to them but to all our members for being brave enough to step outside your comfort zone in order to learn, to develop and to inspire each other lives. And finally, thanks to the amazing guests we have at each meeting for adding so much value to our club 😉

At every meeting, a new learning experience, that’s for sure! A BIG congratulations to Shamim for winning best speech of the evening, to Garry for winning best table topic and finally to Cristine for winning the best evaluation of the evening. Well done guys!

We are looking forward to seeing you all on 3rd July!