17th May Meeting highlights

A slightly delayed post as we’ve been busy as the Toastmasters year begins to close and a new committee elections will be happening soon.

Ga Lok standing in as President and was Toastmaster for the evening opened the meeting, reflecting on his 8 years in Toastmasters, and winning the District title to become D91 Speech Evaluation Champion 2016.


Time was split between two members, Rachel in the first half and Brad in the second half.

Leigh was our Grammarian with the word of the day: Auspicious

Swati was our Table Topics Master, using the theme of continuing stories as the basis for impromptu speaking for our members and guests.

Brad was our Topics Evaluator; giving encouragement and feedback to all 7 table topics! Brad is an experienced Toastmaster across 3 continents and we welcome him as a new member to the club.

Marcelo; introduced our new guests for the evening.

We had 3 great speeches tonight (their speech evaluators in brackets):

  • Ruby – “Remembering my childhood” – an Icebreaker speech that introduced Ruby’s background and the culture change coming to the UK (Leanne)
  • Rachel – “Do what you say you will do” – A #4 speech project exploring the will power to quit smoking (Charlotte)
  • Shamim – “Keep Calm and Start Supporting” – A #9 persuasive speech project on the junior doctor strikes (Christoph)

Branko, from 1st London Toastmasters was our General Evaluator who gave a fantastic analysis of the meeting.

It was a thoughtful and warm May meeting; congratulations to Ga Lok winning best Table Topic and Leanne who won best Evaluator.

Congratulations to Ruby for completing her ice-breaker speech. Well done to Ann-Madeline Best Table Topic; Leanne and Charlotte who tied for Best Evaluator and Rachel with her magnificent speech to with Best Speaker of the evening.


Next meeting, it’s 2 for the price of 3 meetings in a month as it will be the 5th Tuesday. See you on 31st May, usual time and venue.